Meet The Wicked Team

A team of authors who compose sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mystery, suspense, romance and erotic romance novels blog together to form a team that could only be called Wicked. Here they'll share what they've learned over the years, discuss their genres, offer tips, occasionally review books and bring you along on their journey to succeed in a highly competitive and tight market.

Thanks for taking an interest in us. If you read something you like please drop us a line to share your thoughts - or pass this blog on to spread the Wicked word!

Please click on the weekday below and you'll be taken to the Bio page for those authors here on the site (day of the week is when they post).


C.J. Ellisson - author of Vampire Vacation, Johnny Living Dangerously, More Than Tolerable and a contributor in Everything Erotic Volumes 1 thru 7. C.J. is represented by Kristin Lindstrom.

J.D. Brown - author of A Trace of Love, being released August 2011.

Gregory M. Smith - author of Hunters and the soon to be released Land of the Blind.

SM Blooding - author of Demons Are Jackasses releasing October, 2011.

Carole Gill - author of The House on Blackstone Moore, released in paperback May 2011.

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