A couple of years ago, I came across Textnovel.com, which is where I met CJ Ellisson. The US based site resulted from the craze that had swept across Japan; students had been writing text novels for the past 6 years and texting them to their friends. Websites in Japan took up the challenge and began marketing them, which resulted in print publishing deals for many young writers and numerous bestselling novels. Textnovel is the English counterpart, the first website in North America to take on cell phone novels. Writers can submit chapters via their cell phone or computer. Readers can read (cell phone and PC) these works and comment and vote for their favorite stories.
In 2009, CJ and I entered the Dorchester Publishing "Next Best Celler" contest, hosted at Textnovel. My contemporary romantic suspense Lancelot's Lady made it to the semi-finals, the only entry by a Canadian writer to make it that far. The contest was exciting and challenging, and it allowed me to work on an older manuscript I'd put away, unfinished. What emerged in the end was far better than the original.
What made the contest even more meaningful for me was reading the comments that people left on my novel's pages. They loved the journey of Rhianna and Jonathan. Reading the tips and suggestions that Dorchester's editors left on other author's pages gave me more ideas on how to improve my manuscript and jacket copy.
When I didn't make the finals, many people may have thought I'd just curl up and lick my wounds. But not me. I was fired up, ready to go! Rhianna and Jonathan's journey had to be finished. I had to find a way to get it out to the public. An ebook! That was the answer.

Writers, have you entered many writing contests? If so, what was the experience like? What about texting a novel; ever think of writing one on your cell phone? Have you joined Textnovel yet?
Leave a comment here, with email address, to be entered into the prize draws. You're guaranteed to receive at least 1 free ebook just for doing so. Plus you'll be entered to win a Kobo ereader. Winners will be announced after October 10th.
Thanks for dropping by this blog. Follow me from September 27 to October 10 on my Cherish the Romance Virtual Book Tour and win prizes.
Lancelot's Lady ~ A Bahamas holiday from dying billionaire JT Lance, a man with a dark secret, leads palliative nurse Rhianna McLeod to Jonathan, a man with his own troubled past, and Rhianna finds herself drawn to the handsome recluse, while unbeknownst to her, someone with a horrific plan is hunting her down.
Lancelot's Lady is available in ebook edition at KoboBooks, Amazon's Kindle Store, Smashwords and other ebook retailers. Help me celebrate by picking up a copy today and "Cherish the romance..."
You can learn more about Lancelot's Lady and Cherish D'Angelo (aka Cheryl Kaye Tardif) at http://www.cherishdangelo.com and http://www.cherylktardif.blogspot.com.
I'd like to point out that CJ's novel, Vampire Vacation, made it even further than Lancelot's Lady in the Next Best Celler contest. :-)
Thanks so much for joining us here today Cherish! I'm glad we hooked up via the contest and wish you only the best with sales of your new book - bravo!!
ReplyDeleteHi ,,, :)
ReplyDeleteWell, Loved your post and I think its great that after Text novel you ventured fourth !!! I have met alot of lovely authors on face book Cj being one of course. I currenlty have her arc of Vampire vacation and am loving it so far... Due to work kids and buzy life sometimes i dont always find the time.
I have joined text novel, to check out writing of authors and was shown this page by Nicole Cleaver,,* author of death wish.. * I think it is a fabulus idea !!! and I think its even better that once you had finished with Text novel that you did go ahead and publish your book.. I am not a writer I love to read,, I have small scribbles and notes written everywhere hoping one day to get the inspiration and ideas for a book of my own. But at the moment am happy to read everyone elses ;) I have written your book down.. ;) and hope to be able to read sometime soon. I was also lucky enough to also get Jimmys e book *Dances on fire * have saved it in my phone and plan to get to reading this on my holiday which is a few weeks. :)
I think text novel was and is a fantastic idea and more people should be made aware of it.. ;)Thanks for the post and best of luck with your Virtual book tour *it sounds amazing *.
Kat :)
Best of luck to you Cherish and Cj with the sale of your books ;)
ReplyDeleteEh, no worries. This is your post and your day as our guest. Enjoy it and shine!
ReplyDeleteCherish, thank you for stopping by and working with us this week. It is always great to get to know new people, and to be able to pick their brains a bit as to what they do and how they go about doing it. I have been following you on Twitter already, and it is good to have you grace our blog here at Wicked Writers Headquarters [inside joke ;)]. As a brand new author, I find that I am learning every day, and that I say no to things at my own peril. It is great to hear the different paths that has benefited others. Good luck to you and continued success.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great piece of advice. Never knew what it was (is this blasphemy?) I mean, here I talk to CJ almost every day, have a critique group where two people use it, and I'd never heard of it.
Looking forward to your read. Love the name: Rhianna, and the Bahamas! What's not to love? Welcome to our lair, and great luck with the tour! Can we snag more of you in the future? Would love to hear more.
Oh and on contests: I have finaled in three this past year, two in erotica and one in paranormal. I also am a regular judge and I learn tons from doing this. Probably have critiqued 50 entries so far in 2010.
ReplyDeleteThank you again, CJ. I do feel like I'm shining this week. :-) Here's a pair of sunglasses @@
ReplyDeleteKat, I enjoyed reading your comments. Thank you for the welcome and for stopping by. I hope you get a chance to read Lancelot's Lady. I also hope you'll pop in again and leave your email address in a comment. That's how you can receive a free ebook, plus be entered into all my contest draws. Lots of prizes!! :-)
James, you are one of only a couple of men brave enough to venture into my Cherish the Romance tour. lol Kudos!! I am wondering about that "inside joke", which isn't a good thing because my mind just ventured into the gutter. You are "wicked" after all. ;-)
Sharon, congrats on all your contest success! :-) I'm taking a break from contests for now...and from judging. Last contest I judged I had to read something like 60 books in 2 weeks. I was brain dead at the end. hehe
And I'd love to come back again. Thank you for asking. My nickname is "Shameless Promoter" so it's rare for me to turn down a promo invitation. Plus I love sharing with writers and readers.
I haven't entered many contests, but I'm wondering if I should for the experience. This particular one sounds like an intense version of a crit group. :)
ReplyDeleteI've said it on another blog, but I am really enjoying learning about Cherish's career because it's so inspiring to me.
Lancelot’s Lady sounds like an awesome read.I can't wait.Also yes yes yes please enter me in your contest.
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to read this!!!
ReplyDeletesarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
I'd heard of txt novels in Japan, but not seen them here. I'd need a lot of planning before I'd attempt this. Do you think that a txt novel constrains you to write in a particular style?
great post - looking forward to the book
ReplyDeletepams00 @ aol.com