Please allow me to introduce Bethany Cagle, who writes under Brynna Curry

By the end of 2010, Bethany will be able to proudly say she's authored six published books (an accomplishment I'm still in awe of!). Bethany is going to kick off our weekly topic with telling us where she is in her current novel. Without further ado, here's Bethany!
Thank you, C.J., for inviting me to blog with you today. It’s a pleasure to visit with you and your readers.
I always seem to be working on something new, finishing a book, or reviewing a book. Last night I was finally able to close the screen on To Take Up The Sword - Elemental Magic Series Book Two. My editor will be thrilled. She’s been waiting on it for a while now, but I couldn’t have finished it this quickly without C.J.’s help critiquing the manuscript. Thank you. Now it’s on to Wait for the Wind - Elemental Magic Series Book Three.
If you’re familiar with Earth Enchanted, the first book in the series, then you know with the third book, I’m moving the series to Ireland, a place I've always wanted to go, but haven’t made it to yet. It’s time for Ryan Corrigan to return to Ireland after eleven years of living in the United States. But his troubles are far from over; Kate McConnell will walk back into his life with daughter Allaina. Ryan will have to learn to forgive, to trust, and open his heart to magic again. I’m hoping to be finished with this book by May, but with two more in the series and the entire serial deadline due at the end of the year, we will just have to wait and see. But that’s not all I’ve got going right now.
I’m judging five different contests before summer, something I love doing. Since I write paranormals, I usually judge that category. It’s nice to see how entries change from contest to contest, to find a favorite one that keeps getting better. I keep expecting to see a couple I’ve judged pop up in book searches, but they haven’t yet. Their progress is fun to watch. I have to tell you Vampire Vacation is one of those I’m keeping an eye on.
Project wise I have a total of six books in progress. Three are part of my series. The others are single title ones. Cullen’s Luck is a short shape-shifter novella that I plan to send to Lyrical Press when finished, but I’m not in a rush with it. Cassidy’s Emerald is another that is kind of at a holding stage. It’s the first book I’d ever written -- back when I was in high school and that was a loooonng time ago. I decided to take what I’ve learned over time and rewrite the book. It’s a time travel ghost story on the sweet side and I’ll probably submit it to Lyrical as well.
Circle of Seven is my pet project and in the writing/researching stage. It’s a little out of my comfort zone. By that I mean its urban fantasy but also a paranormal romantic suspense with vampires. Tons of magic and vampire lore along with a ‘save the world’ mission and strong romantic subplot make it hard to decide where to send it when finished. Seven doesn’t fit in any one category or with a specific agent or publisher, but I know it will eventually find a place. The biggest challenge with this book is point of view. My vampire, Kail McKenna, demands the story be told predominantly from his viewpoint and as you can imagine, that’s difficult from a woman writer’s perspective. So far its going great and a lot of fun.
So what about you? What projects are you working on? Readers, what books do you like to read and why? I’d love to hear your comments and of course you can find me at my many online homes listed in the links above.
Find me on Twitter and Facebook as Brynna Curry
OR for more information about Earth Enchanted at Lyrical Press -
You can also email me at
Be blessed,
Thanks so much for stopping by and telling us about your current works in progress, Bethany!
Wonderful to have you stop by Bethany!! My gosh, how busy you are. Your fantasy novel sounds like an interesting mix.
ReplyDeleteThank you, W.J. It's nice to be here. Seven is so much fun to work on. I hope to be finished with it sometime around Christmas 2011.
ReplyDeleteThanks to the Wicked Writers for inviting me to be here today.
Any questions, feel free to ask.
Thank you very much for stopping by and sharing your wit, wisdom and experience with us, Bethany. I always thought Stephen King and Laurell K. Hamilton had it busy by juggling two or three projects at a time, but six?!
ReplyDeleteAnd you judge all those contests while raising three teens? Those traits should be a reality TV series.
I think your blog illustrates just what we can do if we have ourselves organized. That trait, above all others, can lead to many good things. I've seen where my lack of organization has hampered my writing career.
Thank you very much for imparting your experiences with us today.
Hi, Gregory! It helps to revel in the chaos, and...we eat a lot of pizza lol (Yum, my favorite junk food). Unless my son cooks (he loves it and he's very good at it too.) My oldest daughter likes to write and she keeps me company while I'm working. IT's been this way as long as they can remember, so they just roll with it, helping me with whatever. They're great kids. My husband helps out too, with the plot twists that just aren't right or just giving advice on weapons, cars etc. I've got an awesome support system.
ReplyDeleteHey Bethany, I get the revelling in chaos bit but my, you really have lot on your plate! Six novels in various stages of publication and as many contests to judge. I'm in complete awe. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
ReplyDelete[...] and if you haven’t read Bethany’s guest blog, by all means do so. After seeing her ordeals, trials and tribulations, your efforts won’t seem [...]
ReplyDeleteHi, Supriya! Thanks for letting me join you today! Sometimes judging a contest inspires me when I'm stuck on a project. And of course if one book is in limbo, I can work on another until the writer's block has broken. It's an odd process, but it works for me.
ReplyDelete[...] I’d Rather Gouge Out My Eyes 2010 February 5 tags: blogs, books, novels, publishing, writers by wjhoward This week’s post over at the Wicked Writer’s blog was a little difficult, yet fun to writer this week. Our topic was where we are in completing our latest novel. My post was a little mouthy. We had our first guest blogger this week, Bethany Cagle [...]